Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ambition and the American Dream

It's funny how the US expects (and rightfully so) people to be productive, and upwardly mobile, and invested in their country and communities, and socially active - but ambition is discouraged.
How can you really be upwardly mobile without being ambitious? And why do you have to hide it if you are? I say, encourage people to be honest about what they really want. Let big corporations focus on delivering profits for their shareholders, and let philanthropists donate so they could get tax write offs. Let politicians eye higher office the moment they get in place if that motivates them to do something that actually benefits their constituents.

No one should be ashamed of wanting to do better in life and wanting to accomplish goals and dreams. What's shameful is which path you pursue on the way to your ambitions. Are you a careless back-stabber who rises through the ranks by throwing your underlings and your boss under the bus just to make yourself look better? Or are you setting an inspiring example as you eye the fame, riches, power, or social status that await?

Be greedy. Be ambitious. Be incredibly successful. That's what the American Dream is all about. And be proud of it. But do it right.

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