Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Sukkot : Reminder about Divine Shelter from the Storm

Sukkot is particularly poignant for me this year. It's a holiday that not only celebrates the reaping of the produce, but reminds Jews about the time spent in the desert after exiting Egypt when they were entirely dependent on God's protection from bad weather and had to live in flimsy huts, which we recreate for the duration of this festival. Thankfully, this year, most of us still have our shelters from the storm, but we have the painful reminder of the three major hurricanes that caused untold damaged, cost lives, and took away the roof over the head of so many people this year, in addition to general sense of uncertainty due to the many internal and external threats we are facing, I will have those who are suffering from these disasters or who are facing any kind of uncertainty over their future in mind during this holiday. May our prayers be answered so that all of God's children benefited from His Mercy and found safety, warmth, and the meeting of all of their needs, and that all of our wake up calls always come only through happy occasions and symbolic celebrations.

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