Saturday, September 30, 2017

How Trump is Shooting Himself in the Foot on Puerto Rico

Let's separate the wheat from the chaff - the media generated propaganda about what Trump is or isn't doing regarding Puerto Rico recovery, and what Trump is saying about the situation.

 Trump's appointment of the general to lead the recovery seems a wise choice. The military has been exceptionally helpful during all of the hurricanes in recent memory that I've been keeping track of. Maria relief is no exception. Along with private efforts, they so far have been the best, especially since the Jones-related shipping rules have finally been lifted.

 One could criticize the administration from getting involved later than what would have been optimal, but now that they are involved I'm not sure that it's inadequate. The island is indeed devastated, and there's only so much that can be physically done in one go in terms of bringing help and saving lives.

  Trump's comments about Puerto Ricans wanting everything to be done for them were completely uncalled for. Yes, PR has major economic issues, exceptionally poor leadership, and union-related problems that may in fact be causing frictions with FEMA and slowing down the recovery. None of that is relevant right now, nor is this the time to accuse the many vulnerable people who've lost and are struggling to survive of being lazy bums and a burden on the US economy. Criticizing such comments is completely legitimate. And getting into fights with local mayors is a major distraction from whatever positive coverage of the administration's help towards recovery that would have otherwise been warranted. Trump is basically undermining his own case here.

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