You know who's really driving the GOP? It's not Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. It's the donors. They can't do anything about or to Trump, but they can do a great deal of damage to the House, Senate, and state candidates if they decide to. The issue is that not all of these billionaires are of alike mind about, well, anything, so it's hard to predict whether their money will actually do any good or will go down a black hole.
If they can get their act together and figure out which candidates they can all back in good conscience, we may see some changes = and perhaps a signal to the administration. How the billionaires and their influence lines up with what Trump's base actually wants is a different issue. There is definitely some interloping, but I think the donors will be more likely than the base to criticize Trump himself, as well as members of his administration. Whether Democrats and any future primary candidates will be smart enough to figure out where these difference lie and how to exploit them remains to be seen.
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